• Faculty of Engineering
  • engine@um.edu.my
  • +6037967 5200

The Department of Mechanical Engineering was established in 1958 and is one of the oldest departments in the University Malaya. Many graduates from this department have moved on to become successful individuals in government and private sectors, and have significantly contributed to the growth of the nation. Some of them also participated actively in the professional bodies. The Department of Mechanical Engineering currently offers undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.

The undergraduate intake was taken from both the students that completed the matriculation course, A-Level, IB and STPM. All degrees require a minimum of four years to complete and the students are required to undergo 10 weeks of industrial training. The undergraduate programme offered by the Department of Mechanical Engineering is accredited by Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA) and Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC).

The first Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC) evaluation in 2004, the programme was awarded full accreditation (5 years). There are stringent staff recruitment criteria for academic staff and their number is increasing, in order to comply with the EAC requirement. In addition to undergraduate programmes, the department also offers the degree in Master of Mechanical Engineering and Doctor of Philosophy in four Engineering Programmes including Mechanical, Materials, Product Design and Manufacturing.

On top of teaching and learning activities, the academic staff involve extensively in research, publication, patent filing and invention fair (MTE, ITEX, iENA, etc.), in line with the status of Universiti Malaya as a research university. Numerous research grants have been secured such as MOHE-High Impact Research Grant, UMRG, PRGS, ERGS, FRGS, eScience Fund and Techno Fund. Some of the staff have also been awarded international grants under their collaboration with international researchers. The academic staff have also published a lot of articles in high ranked ISI journals, presented their research works and were invited as speakers in international seminars and conferences. The academic staff of the department are also affiliated with research centres such as; Centre of Advanced Materials (CAM), Centre of Energy Sciences (CES), Centre for Product Design and Manufacture (CPDM), Centre of Advanced Manufacturing and Material Processing (AMMP), and Centre for Research in Industry 4.0 (CRI4.0)

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The Department of Mechanical Engineering aspires:

  • To impart in graduates solid knowledge of engineering fundamentals, principles and application.
  • To instil in graduates a sense of accountability and responsibility to the environment and society with respect to professional ethics, social conduct and the environment.
  • To equip graduates with the ability to apply critical thinking to identify, formulate and solve mechanical engineering problems.

 Research Interest:



  • Advanced Manufacturing Technology
  • Cutting Edge Joining (Welding and Brazing)
  • Deposition of Coating and Thin Films Process
  • Digital and Smart Manufacturing
  • Digital Production and Management
  • Non-traditional Machining
  • Novel Cutting Process
  • Polishing Technology



  • Biomaterials
  • Coating and thin films
  • High Corrosion Materials
  • Low Temperature Ceramic
  • Nanomaterials for electronics and energy harvesting
  • New Age Sensor Materials
  • Simulation and Modelling of New Materials

Mechatronics/ IoT / AI

  • Image Processing
  • Machine Learning
  • Remote Sensing of Corrosion
  • Sensor and Structural Health Monitoring
  • Transport Engineering
  • Virtual Reality Energy

Product Design

  • Design of Machine Elements
  • HumanCentered Design
  • Modelling
  • Multiphase Flow
  • Reverse Engineering
  • Simulation
  • Sustainable Design


  • Conversion Storage
  • Green Building
  • Green Cooling/Heating Technology
  • Heat Exchanger Technology
  • Low Energy HVAC System
  • Nuclear Energy Technology
  • Tribology
  • Waste to Energy
  • Water Flow Energy Generation

Programmes Offered:

  • Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering 
  • Master of Mechanical Engineering
  • Doctor of Philosophy

Head of Department

T: (603) 7967 5204 / 7637 
F: (603) 7967 5317
Email: fk_jkm@um.edu.my
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/Department-of-Mechanical-Engineering-University-of-Malaya

Last Update: 25/03/2024