• Faculty of Engineering
  • engine@um.edu.my
  • +6037967 5200

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers University of Malaya Student Branch (IEEE UM SB)

The IEEE is more than just a citation style, it’s the worlds largest Professional Organization, with more than 400, 000 members worldwide. Responsible for research publication, technical standards and guidelines, technical conferences, various magazines and publications, and a huge amount of professional development material, including online courses and job search websites, the IEEE is something you want to be a part of.

Though IEEE stands for the “Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers” it’s much more than just an organization for electrical and computer engineers. Featuring many societies and chapters, the IEEE has a very broad range of coverage. From Biotechnology to Aerospace to the Computer Society (which rivals only the Association for Computing Machinery), no matter what your interest or background, you’re welcome here.

IEEE opens the door to opportunities that will help you develop your professional identity in IEEE’s designated fields of interest: sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). In addition to accessing a range of membership benefits, you’ll make global connections with people who can help you along your targeted career path through IEEE’s international community of members and volunteers.

IEEE UM SB coordinate and organize various activities for its IEEE student members such as technical talks, workshop, social events etc. By joining IEEE, you’ll be automatically connected to the IEEE Malaysia students network.

For more information, please visit https://www.facebook.com/IEEE.UMSB/

University of Malaya Institution of Civil Engineers Student Chapter (UMICESC)

Established in 2014, University of Malaya Institution of Civil Engineers Student Chapter, or UMICESC for short, is one of the youngest ICE student chapters in Malaysia with a vibrant and fast-growing community of close to 400 undergraduate students. Since its inauguration, the student chapter has gone on to achieve a number of important milestones including organising its first-ever national level competition (UM Bridge Building Competition 2017) on the 4th of March this year.

The vision laid out by the first student chapter president, Mr. Phakorn Kiong, and advisor, Associate Professor Dr. Ubagaram Johnson Alengaram, was to help and guide students in fulfilling their dreams of becoming Chartered Engineers with the prestigious ICE, thereby propelling their future careers forward. Since then, the committee has kept up with its promise to fulfil this mission while also taking up new side quests such as student welfare and increasing the presence and popularity of the student chapter.

For more information, please visit www.facebook.com/umicesc

ASHRAE UM Student Chapter (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers)

ASHRAE is a global society advancing human well-being through sustainable technology for the built environment. The Society and its members focus on building systems, energy efficiency, indoor air quality, refrigeration and sustainability within the industry. Through research, standards writing, publishing and continuing education, ASHRAE shapes tomorrow’s built environment today. ASHRAE UM is a student body under ASHRAE Malaysia and aimed to provide a platform for engineering students to gain exposure from the industries and improve soft skills.

For more information, please visit www.facebook.com/ASHRAEUM/

Engineering Society University of Malaya Persatuan Kejuruteraan Universiti Malaya (PKUM)

The Engineering Society of University Malaya (ESUM) is officially known as Persatuan Kejuruteraan Universiti Malaya (PKUM). It is one of the earliest societies to be established in University Malaya. It was first established in 1958 and had been through a mere 60 years with the new Board of Executive session 2017/2018.

PKUM was formed to cultivate interest in various fields of engineering and foster cooperation and friendship among its members and staff of the faculty. It also provides students exposure to various job opportunities. Furthermore, PKUM enhances leadership qualities, professionalism and other vital attributes which cannot be gained through classroom lectures.

PKUM is well-known among students and also lecturers within the faculty. PKUM has been proved again and again to be one of the most reputable and recognised societies under University Malaya, both within and outside the university campus over the years. Its efforts and success had been witnessed by all from one generation to another generation.

For more information, please visit https://www.facebook.com/EngineeringSocietyUM/

Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Club (CEUC)

CEUC is the official club for all chemical engineering students of the University of Malaya under the auspices of the Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya. CEUC commits itself to maintain an inclusive learning and social environment for chemical engineering undergraduates in the University of Malaya. CEUC fulfils its role by acting as the primary communication channel for the students, as well as organising activities and providing resources beneficial to the students.

For more information, please visit https://www.facebook.com/ceuc.um.news

Angkatan Kejuruteraan Islam Universiti Malaya (AKIUM)

Muslim Engineering Society of the University of Malaya or better known as Angkatan Kejuruteraan Islam Universiti Malaya (AKIUM) is a student-run society dedicated to enhancing the bonds between students of the Faculty of Engineering, University Malaya. Founded in 1976, this society has gone through all thick and thin to become one of the oldest societies in the varsity.

It is of great hope that the creation of this group could foster a firmer bond between the society, students and not forgetting, the alumni.

For more information, please visit www.facebook.com/akiumofficial

Robotic Engineering Design (RED)

Robotic Engineering Design is a competition based club under the Faculty of Engineering. It gives an opportunity for students to learn about robotics-related knowledge such as robots design, electronics devices and circuit, programming and hands-on experience in operating robots. Besides that, it participates in the robotics competition event through RED throughout every year.

For more information, please visit www.facebook.com/pages/category/Education/Robotics-Engineering-Design-UM-1555371547853281

Society of Petroleum Engineers Universiti Malaya Student Chapter (SPE UM SC)

SPE UM SC is officially established as of 30th March 2015. It provides the opportunity for SPE student members to engage in technology discussions at SPE events network with industry professionals and learn more about the industry. One of the unique features of SPE is that membership is free and as a member, they are able to gain many benefits, especially through international events being organized by SPE US and also the many resources that are available from the SPE website. The platform provided by SPE is open to all fields of science and engineering students and professionals in which everyone

For more information, please visit www.facebook.com/speumsc

Last Update: 23/02/2022